Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last Bog!! :)

It has been pretty entertaining looking back on all my old posts. Reading the ones from the very beginning of the year brought me back to when I first started my blog. I have to admit, I did think it was a little weird to have one for school, but as I got used to it, I started to see the significance of it and why Mrs. Gilman had us start it. First of all, it has brought our class a little bit closer to one another because we are able to see you read what our fellow classmates are writing about and their opinions. Second, it gives us another way of expressing ourselves other than just writing long essays in and out of class. This teaches us responsibility to do things outside of class and knowing when it's due and actually getting it done on time. I think that the blog has been a very good thing for Honors English.

My very first blog was about getting knowing how we (our own self) get into a book. I think that blog helped set the groundings for the rest of the year. Our second blog was about our first outside reading assignment where I read Treasure Island. The first few months of doing the blogs helped us all get into it and understand it. Later on, we started reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I really liked that book. It had so many motifs and symbols it made it so finding those things were like an everyday thing. After that book we read The Importance of Being Ernest. This play I thought was pretty good, but a little boring. I also did learn a lot reading it though. And then came what seemed like the longest and most boring book, Great Expectations. I did not like this book at all. It was pretty hard to write an essay on it, especially because it was with a group. But working with a group on it did teach me a lot of things. How to plan who would do what part, how we were going to write it, and just how to work with a group. Then finally came Romeo and Juliet. I really enjoyed this play. It was a little hard to understand at first, but once I got used to the language, it became rather enjoyable. I liked the story and thought that it was really easy to write an essay off of it. After that we read our own book, which I was very unfortunate to get The Jungle. I did not like this book one little bit. It was rather disturbing and a really long, hard and boring read. I was glad to get done with it. Now we are still reading Of Mice and Men. I really like this book surprisingly. It has a good story line and it's a very easy read. It's probably my favorite book out of all of them.

My favorite blog out of all the ones we did this year is probably the one I wrote about dreams. It made me think very hard about what they mean and their importance. I definitely expanded my brain quite a bit when I wrote about it. I also like thinking about those kinds of things. It makes me think really hard and wonder about every little thing that people cannot explain. It's kind of like the universe in general. Nobody really knows what exactly is out there and if it ever ends or if there is life. Okay now I am getting way off subject. Anyways, I know I enjoyed writing about this kind of thing rather than a boring book like Great Expectations.

The quote, "Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, it is saying that the person you are inside is far more important than the things you know. If you are a good person, you will learn great things in the process and become the man/woman you are meant to be. I think that this is represented in a lot of the books we read this year. They all seem to be about life lessons and I think that it is what doing this blog is all about.

I really enjoyed having you Mrs. Gilman as a teacher this year. You have helped me learn a lot and so I thank you for that! Honors English has been one of my hardest classes, or maybe even the hardest class I have taken this year. I am going to miss you next year! And good luck with your future freshman!